A Prayer for Clarity
Blog / Produced by The High Calling
How does what you do relate to who you are? If the culture devalues your vocation, do you give less effort? Who tells you who you are? Which voices are loudest? Can God help us see who (and whose) we are and what our lives are for?
Our Merciful God,
You made your creation good. We thank you.
You made us in your image and called us to love as you love. We honor you.
We confess that we often allow others and our culture to define who we are and how we feel about our daily tasks. We are sorry.
Help us, O God, to remember that we are your children. We belong to you alone.
May the once-for-all sacrifice of Jesus Christ give meaning to our daily jobs. When we serve others, we serve you.
May your grace permeate even a cup of cool water given to a stranger from our hands.
Open to your Spirit and trusting in your strength, we pray.